AMT: Example annotations for person

Example annotations for person

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Task Guidelines

Interface Instructions:
  1. Mark all the keypoints of the person by dragging each of the keypoints to its correct location. In the case of multiple people mark the keypoints of the person with the face marked by a red rectangle. Use blue markers for visible keypoints and red markers for occluded keypoints. See these examples to see what we mean by occluded.
  2. Note that left and right are from the point of view of the person. See examples.
  3. Press the Submit Results button at the bottom once done.
  4. Press p or P if you need to reset the annotation.

Mark the locations of the following keypoints :

  1. Nose : nose
  2. L_Eye : left eye
  3. R_Eye : right eye
  4. L_Wrist : left wrist
  5. L_Elbow : left elbow
  6. L_Shoulder : left shoulder
  7. R_Shoulder : right shoulder
  8. R_Elbow : right elbow
  9. R_Wrist : right wrist
  10. L_Ankle : left ankle
  11. L_Knee : left knee
  12. L_Hip : left hip
  13. R_Hip : right hip
  14. R_Knee : right knee
  15. R_Ankle : right ankle

Important: When marking a location of shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles place the points at the location of the corresponding body joint. Here is the illustration of the joint positions on the human skeleton for two different viewpoints:

A common mistake is to place the keypoint at the tip of the knee or elbow. Here is an example of correct and incorrect placement of knee and elbow keypoints:


Here is an example of correct and incorrect placement of wrist and ankle keypoints:


Another way to find the joint is to think of the adjacent limbs as a cylinders. The joint location between the limbs is then defined by the intersection of the axes of adjoining cylinders. Take a look at this illustration.

Hint: you can use the keyboard keys as an alternative to drag and drop method to place the keypoints. The keys are: 'q' - right shoulder, 'a' - right elbow, 'z' - right wrist, 'w' - left shoulder, 's' - left elbow, 'x' - left wrist, 'e' - right hip, 'd' - right knee, 'c' - right ankle, 'r' - left hip, 'f' - left knee, 'v' - left ankle, 't' - nose, 'g' - right eye, 'b' - left eye. You can use 'shift' plus one of these keys to mark keypoint as occluded, and 'space' to toggle between occluded and visible keypoints. You will need to click on the image once before starting to use the keyboard.

Occluded joints: For occluded joints try to guess the joint location based on the pose of the person and use the occluded marker . For joints that fall outside of the image leave the markers untouched. If you accidentally moved the marker but the corresponding keypoint is not inside the image, put it back in the black area. We will evaluate all the keypoints placed on the image.

The clothes corresponding to the area of the joint do not hide the joint.visible_joint. The joint may, however, be hidden by the torso, limbs of the same person, or objects. For example, in left profile view, the right joints of the body are often occluded by the torso and/or by the left limbs. See this example. If you can not localize the joint because of the complex clothing (e.g. long coat the does not permit to localize position of the legs) consider it to be occluded (see this example or this example).

Nose Tip: The location is the tip of the nose, regardless of frontal or profile view.nose_frontalnose_profile

Eyes: place the marker at the midpoint of the two eye corners. frontal_eyes

The eye location does not depend on the pupils. Glasses are not considered to occlude the eyes, use the visible keypoints in that case. However, eyes are considered occluded if the head is turned away from the camera, see this example.

Example Annotations

How to label keypoints under occlusion and partial visibility

The right leg of the person is occluded by the left leg. Use the occluded markers to annotate the right hip, right knee and right ankle. The right eye is occluded as well because the head is in the profile view.

The legs of the person are occluded by another person. Use the occluded markers to annotate keypoints on the legs, do your best guess to identify leg positions.

The lower part of the person body is not visible in the image. Leave the keypoints in the black area.

Left wrist and elbow of the person are not visible because they are occluded by an object. Use occluded markers and guess the position of the keypoints behind the object. The knees of the person are not visible because of the complex clothing, use occluded markers as well. The lower legs are outside of the image, leave the markers in the black area.

Nose and eyes are not visible because the person is shown from the back, use occluded markers . The right elbow and wrist are occluded by the torso and are annotated with occluded markers.

Left vs. Right

By left and right limbs we refer to anatomical parts of the person, not the relation between limbs in the image. See examples below :