what color is the ornamental plant in fornt of the fan coil but not close to sofa in the image14 ? red what the largest light green object in this picture in the image14 ? sofa what is in fornt of the white wall below the colorful picture but not close to window in the image14 ? sofa how many ornamental plants are in this picture in the image14 ? 3 what color is the garbage bin in front of the white board on the floor in the image28 ? blue how many ceiling lamps are off in this picture in the image28 ? 2 what is the black object on the right side of the flipped table in the image28 ? chair what is the largest white object in this picture in the image28 ? whiteboard how many chairs are in fornt of the whiteboard in the image33 ? 1 how many tables are in front of the bookshelf close to the ladder in the image84 ? 1 what color are the bookshelves in this picture in the image84 ? brown what is on the door of the wardrobe in the image441 ? mirror what color are the blinds in the image441 ? white how many pictures are on the wall on the right side of the window in the image441 ? 2 how many lamp shades are in front of the window in the image516 ? 2 what color are the bed sheets in the image516 ? red how many cushions are on the sofa in the image580 ? 2 what is the largest glassy object in this picture in the image580 ? window what color is the cloth on the top of the clothing drying rack on the left side of the bed in the image516 ? black what color is the lamp shades close to the sofa in the image1229 ? white how many pink cubes are on the top of the night stand on the left side of the bed in the image1163 ? 1 what is on the door of the wardrobe on the left side of the blinds in the image441 ? mirror what is the black object on the right side of the flipped table in the image28 ? chair how many garbage bins are there in the image28 ? 2 what is the object close to the towel rod in the image693 ? towel what is the object on the floor in front of the plant in the image14 ? sofa what is the object on the floor below the picture in the image43 ? sofa what is the object on the floor in the corner in the image1167 ? lamp what is the object left of the room divider in the image681 ? door what is the object on the bed in the image1163 ? pillow what is the object close to the wall right of the screen in the image1075 ? picture how many pillows are there on the bed in the image1022 ? 2 what are the objects on the floor in front of the window in the image1119 ? table, chair what is the object below the bed on the floor in the image1153 ? cabinet how many chairs are there in the image39 ? 6 what are the objects kept on the shelves in the image84 ? books what is the object close to the wall behind the chair in the image33 ? whiteboard what is the object on the floor right of the wall in the image973 ? cabinet what is the largest object in the image14 ? sofa what is the object close to the wall in the image14 ? picture what is the object close to the wall in the image28 ? whiteboard how many blue dustbins are there in the image28 ? 2 what is the object close to the wall in the image33 ? whiteboard what is the object in front of the whiteboard in the image33 ? chair how many red chairs are there in the image39 ? 6 what is the largest object in the image39 ? table how many windows are covered with red screen in the image39 ? 3 what is the object close to the wall above the sofa in the image43 ? picture what is the largest object in the image43 ? sofa what are objects on the top most shelves close to the wall in the image43 ? books how many tables are there in the image84 ? 4 what are objects on the shelves in the image84 ? books what is the object in front window in the image516 ? lamp what is the object close to the wall in the image516 ? picture what is the object close to the towel rod in the image681 ? towel what is the object behind the flower pot in the image681 ? door what is the object on the floor right of the screen in the image693 ? floor_mat what is the object close to the floor left of the wall in the image693 ? toilet what is the object close to the towel rod in the image693 ? towel how many doors are there in the image973 ? 1 what is the object close to the wall in the image973 ? picture what is the object on the floor below the picture in the image973 ? cabinet what is the largest object in the image1022 ? bed what is the object close to the wall in the image1022 ? picture what is the object on the stool in the image1022 ? lamp what is the largest object in the image1075 ? bed what is the object close to the wall right of the screen in the image1075 ? window what is the object on the chair in the image1119 ? pillow how many chairs are there in the image1119 ? 2 what is the object on the cabinet in the image1153 ? bed what are the objects on the bed in the image1153 ? clothes what is the object on the floor in the image1153 ? cabinet what is the largest object in the image1163 ? bed what is the object on the bed in the image1163 ? pillow what is the object on the floor in the corner in the image1167 ? lamp what is the object on the floor right of the wall in the image1167 ? cabinet how many windows are there in the image14 ? 2 what is the celery object next to the window and the plant and infront of the white wall in the image14 ? sofa what object is on the white wall above the celery couch in the image14 ? picture how many navy bins are there in the image28 ? 2 what in the brown object next to the black armchair in the image28 ? table what is the object on the wall behind the left navy bin in the image28 ? whiteboard what is the object on the white wall behind the red chair in the image33 ? whiteboard what color is the swivel chair in the image33 ? red how many whiteboard erasers are there in the image33 ? 1 what is the object in front of the whiteboard in the image33 ? chair how many re swivel chairs are there around the table in the image39 ? 4 how many black objests are there on the table in the image39 ? 1 how many doors are there in the image43 ? 1 what is the brown object on the right side of the image43 ? door what is the large black object next to the brown door in the image43 ? sofa what color is the sofa in the image43 ? black how many black objects are there in the image43 ? 1 what color is the armchair behind the table in the image1204 ? white how many pillows are there on the bed in the image1075 ? 2 how many lamps are there in the image1167 ? 1 how many doors are there in the image681 ? 2 what color is the sofa in the image1329 ? brown how many objects are there on the wall and above the pillows in the image516 ? 1 how many plants are there in the image14 ? 1 what is hung on the wall in the image14 ? picture what is in front of the plant in the image14 ? sofa how many papers are stuck on the wall in the image14 ? 1 how many legs of the chairs are visible in the image28 ? 2 how many garbage bins are there in the image28 ? 2 what is in front of the whiteboard in the image33 ? chair what is the colour that is dominating in the image39 ? red the chairs are surrounding which object in the image39 ? table how many plug sockets are visible in the image39 ? 4 how many people are there in the framed picture in the image43 ? 3 what is left side of the sofa in the image43 ? table what is biggest black object in the image43 ? sofa what are filled on the tables in the image84 ? books how many legs of the tables are visible in the image84 ? 6 what is the colour of the wall decoration above the books rack in the image84 ? purple what is on the left side of the wall ornaments in the image84 ? picture what is the colour of the chairs surrounding the table in the image441 ? green what is on the right side of the table in the image441 ? blinds what is on the right side of the blinds in the image441 ? table what is on the table in the image441 ? books what is on the wall in the image441 ? picture what is on the cupboard in the image441 ? mirror how many lamps are there in the image516 ? 2 what is on the stand in the image516 ? towel how many curtains are there in the image516 ? 2 what is on the wall in the image516 ? picture what is on the sofa in the image579 ? pillow what is on the right side of the picture in the image579 ? lamp what is in front of the lamp in the image579 ? paper what is behind the sofa in the image579 ? television what is behind the television in the image579 ? bookshelf what is on the left side of the table in the image579 ? door what is on the left side of the television in the image579 ? lamp what is in front of the sofa in the image580 ? table what is on the side table in the image580 ? lamp what is behind the sofa in the image580 ? window what is on the window in the image580 ? curtain what is on the right side of the curtains in the image580 ? picture what is on the sofa in the image580 ? pillow what is on the left side of the bathing area in the image681 ? door what is on the left side of the door in the image681 ? towel how many towels are there in the image693 ? 4 what is above the towel in the image693 ? blinds what is on the right side of the bottle of liquid in the image693 ? towel what is on the left side of the lamp in the image973 ? door how many knobs are visible in the image973 ? 10 what is in front of the drawer in the image973 ? table what is the colour of the lamp in the image1022 ? blue what is on the right side of the wall in the image1022 ? table, chair what is behind the table in the image1022 ? blinds what is on the bench in the image1075 ? clothes what is on the right side of the table in the image1075 ? night_stand what is on the right side of the night stand in the image1075 ? curtain what is beneath the curtains in the image1075 ? window what is above the bowl in the image1119 ? window what is on the right side of the table in the image1119 ? chair what is on the chair in the image1119 ? pillow what is in front of the table in the image1119 ? bed how many drawers are there in the image1153 ? 4 what is on the bed in the image1153 ? clothes how many drawers are visible in the image1153 ? 11 what is the colour of the sheets in the image1163 ? pink what is above the bed in the image1163 ? blinds what is in between the pictures on the drawer in the image1167 ? mirror what is on the left side of the night stand in the image1167 ? lamp what is on the wall in the image1167 ? picture what is on the left side of the drawer in the image1167 ? bag what is on the left side of the bag in the image1167 ? door what is the colour of the chair in the image1183 ? red what is on the table in the image1183 ? lamp what is in front of the lamp in the image1183 ? picture what is behind the bed in the image1183 ? curtain what is in front of the blinds in the image1194 ? table what is on the chair in the image1194 ? clothes what is behind the chair in the image1194 ? table how many drawers are there in the image1194 ? 5 how many sofas are there in the image1204 ? 2 what is in front of the sofa in the image1204 ? table what is on the sofa in the image1204 ? pillow what is on the left side of the sofa in the image1204 ? lamp how many chairs are there in the image1229 ? 8 what is on the table in the image1229 ? paper what is on the left side of the chair in the image1229 ? lamp what is the largest object in the image1329 ? sofa what is on the sofa in the image1329 ? pillow what is behind the sofa in the image1329 ? lamp how many lamps are there in the image1329 ? 2 what is in front of the sofa in the image1329 ? table what is beneath the framed picture in the image1444 ? sofa what is on the sofa in the image1444 ? pillow what is on the left side of the sofa in the image1444 ? table what is on the table in the image1444 ? picture, lamp how many pictures are visible in the image1444 ? 4 how many windows are seen outside in the image14 ? 5 how many light are on in the image28 ? 6 what is in front of garbage bin in the image28 ? table what is behind the table in the image28 ? sofa what is colour of the sofa in the image28 ? black what is the colour of the chair in the image33 ? red what is behind the chair in the image33 ? whiteboard what is the colour of pen written on board in the image33 ? red what is the colour of the screen in the image39 ? red how many screens are in the image39 ? 3 how many chairs on the table in the image39 ? 4 how many chairs are away from table in the image39 ? 2 what is under the painting in the image43 ? sofa what is the colour of the sofa in the image43 ? black what is above the painting in the image43 ? bookshelf what is on the shelf in the image84 ? books what is on the table in the image84 ? books what is in front of the window in the image441 ? table, chair what is in front of the table in the image441 ? books what is in the middle of the cupboard in the image441 ? mirror what is behind the hanger in the image516 ? lamp what is above the bed in the image516 ? picture what is the colour of pillow in the image516 ? red what is in front of television in the image579 ? sofa what is right of television in the image579 ? door what is behind the television in the image579 ? shelves what is on the shelf in the image579 ? books what is behind the sofa in the image580 ? window what is to the right of sofa in the image580 ? lamp what is on the sofa in the image580 ? pillow what is to the right of lamp in the image580 ? door how many door knobs are there in the image681 ? 2 how many vases are there in the image681 ? 3 what is the colour of the vase in the image681 ? brown what is the colour of the flower in the vase of the image681 ? yellow what is the frame colour of the door in the image681 ? white what is found to the right side of the shower room in the image681 ? sink how many towels are hanged in the image693 ? 3 what is the object at the top of the towel rod in the image693 ? window what is the object at the left side of the towel rod in the image693 ? curtain what is the object at the bottom of the curtain in the image693 ? floor_mat what is the object at the left side of the sink in the image693 ? towel what is found to the left side of the bed in the image973 ? cabinet what object is found on the cabinet in the image973 ? lamp what is found to the left side of the lamp in the image973 ? door how many handles are there in left side cabinet of the image973 ? 9 what is the colour of the cabinets in the image973 ? black what is present near the right edge of the image1022 ? window what is present near the window in the image1022 ? table what is next to the table in the image1022 ? chair what is present next to lamp in the image1022 ? bed what is at the left side in the image1075 ? bed what is at the right side of the bed in the image1075 ? cabinet what is to the right of the cabinet in the image1075 ? window what is the object found left side of the image1119 ? bed what object is found on the chair in the image1119 ? pillow what is the colour of the pillow in the image1119 ? red how many chairs are found in the image1119 ? 2 what is at the right side in the image1153 ? cabinet how many knobs are there in the cabinet of the image1153 ? 10 what is at the left side of the cabinet in the image1153 ? bed what are the things found on the bed in the image1153 ? clothes, pillow what is to the right side of the cabinet in the image1163 ? bed what is the bed sheet colour of the image1163 ? pink what is behind the bed in the image1163 ? window how many pillows are there in the image1163 ? 3 what is on the corner of the room in the image1167 ? lamp what is at the right side of the lamp in the image1167 ? cabinet what is at the right side of the cabinet in the image1167 ? bed what is at the opposite side of the lamp in the image1167 ? cabinet how many drawer handles are seen in the image1167 ? 9 what is at the left side in the image1183 ? bed what is to the right side of the bed in the image1183 ? sofa what is to the right side of the sofa in the image1183 ? cabinet what is the colour of the sofa in the image1183 ? brown what is behind the sofa in the image1183 ? window what is the colour of the object near the bed in the image1183 ? pink what is in front of the window in the image1194 ? table what is to the right side of the window in the image1194 ? bookshelf what is at the opposite side of the bookshelf in the image1194 ? cabinet what is in front of the cabinet in the image1194 ? chair what is hanged on the chair in the image1194 ? clothes what is at the right side in the image1194 ? door what is found at the bottom left corner in the image1204 ? sofa how many sofas are there in the image1204 ? 2 what is to the opposite of the sofa in the image1204 ? table what are found behind the chair in the image1204 ? chair, table how many steel chairs are there in the image1204 ? 4 what is on the floor in the image1229 ? floor_mat what are around the table in the image1229 ? chair how many chairs are there in the image1229 ? 8 what is at the left of the table in the image1229 ? chair what is in front of the chair in the image1229 ? sofa what is at the left of the sofa in the image1229 ? lamp how many window casings are there in the image1229 ? 3 what is in front of the coffee table in the image1329 ? sofa what is the colour of the sofa in the image1329 ? brown what are the things on the sofa in the image1329 ? pillow, clothes how many lamps are there in the image1329 ? 2 what are the things on the coffee table in the image1444 ? books what is to the left of the mantel in the image1444 ? sofa what is behind the sofa in the image1444 ? window what is hanged in front of the window in the image1444 ? curtain what is to the left of the sofa in the image1444 ? table